Department of Electrical Engineering
Mr. Pardeep Rana
M.Tech (EE), B.Tech(EE)
Electrical Engineering is the field of Engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. This field became an identifiable occupation in the latter half of the 19th century after commercialization of the electric telegraph. The telephone and electric power distribution and use. It now covers a wide range of sub field including electronics, digital computers, power engg., tele communication.
The Department imparts quality education and training at under-graduate level in the areas of Power Systems, Electrical Machines, Basic Electronics, Power Electronics and Drives, Control Systems, PLC & SCADA, Embedded System, etc. It has 12 well-qualified and experienced Faculty and more than 140 students. Experts from the industry are invited to deliver special lectures on latest trends in electrical and electronics engineering to update the knowledge of students. Students also undergo supervised practical training in the field and in different industries so as to get hands-on experience for becoming hardcore engineers.
Mr. Pardeep Rana